The Blessing Follows Unity

blessing, unity
Read Time:6 Minute

As our two girls have grown older, my wife and I have realized how rare and precious the times are that we all spend together (and everyone gets along). Perhaps parents of older children already understand this, but it’s something that each family must discover for themselves.  

One of my fondest recent memories was a family trip to Universal Studios here in Florida. Our family spent two days enjoying both Universal and Islands of Adventure, and it was such an amazing and wonderful experience. Since that trip, I’ve spent a great deal of time reflecting on our time together and exploring what made those two days so special to me. After some prayer and asking the Lord to help reveal why I cherished this particular time together, I believe He revealed to me the answer.  


During this specific trip, our family was not only in the same place together, but there was no fussing, no fighting, or frustration…just peace, joy, and a whole lot of fun—we were experiencing unity in our family!

Take a look at Psalm 133, verses 1 and 3 (KJV):

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! For there [the place of unity] the LORD commanded the blessing, Even life for evermore.” [brackets added for emphasis by author]

These verses show us that where there is unity, the Lord commands the blessing!

We could do a lifetime of teaching on The Blessing of God however, for sake of this lesson, let’s simply define The Blessing as ‘an empowerment from God to prosper and succeed’.

The Lord not only loves unity, but it’s His desire for all of humanity. So much so that when we choose to live in unity, it ushers in His power to cause that person, business, church, community…etc., to prosper and succeed despite the surrounding conditions.

We see this in the life of Joseph. Despite the conditions he found himself in, he remained unified with God and the dream He had given him as a boy. He continued to believe in that vision and stay in agreement with God despite the contradictions in which he continually found himself. Because of this, the Word tells us that the Lord was with him, and he prospered (Gen 39:2; 21-23).

When the Lord is with you, when His Blessing is upon you, you will succeed despite the conditions in which you find yourself.

That Blessing follows unity.

Here’s what we must catch: Unity isn’t simply being in the same room, on the same job, at the same church, or in the same family together. There’s a big difference between being together in the same place and being in unity.

When we read about the Hebrew children’s exodus from Egypt, we learn that they did a lot of murmuring and complaining against God, against Moses, and the other leaders. Scholars believe that there were approximately 1.2 million people that God rescued out of Egypt to take to the Promise Land. That’s a lot of people in one place, but that doesn’t mean they were in unity.

When Moses sent out the spies to scout out the Promised Land, only two men came back ready to follow God into the land He had given to His people–Joshua and Caleb. Over a million people followed Moses, but only two were in unity with God and His plan. Hence, they had to spend more time in the wilderness, and the majority didn’t get to experience the blessing God had already ordained for them to receive; however, the two that were in unity with God did. Joshua and Caleb were not only among the people who got to enjoy the promise of God, but the Lord promoted them to lead the people into His promise!

Unity sounds easy–and it is–when you fully agree with your family and peers, but when you don’t agree and don’t share the same perspective that unity becomes more difficult. During those times, we must learn to set aside our opinions, ideas, and perspectives to seek the Lord for common ground so that we can move forward.  

Unity trumps opinions, ideas, and perspectives!

We can fully see the power that is available and released when a group of individuals choose to come together not only in a physical location but also come together in agreement with the plan–this produces unity!

Look at Acts 2:1-4 (KJV):

“When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord [unity] in one place.And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” [brackets added for emphasis by author]

This scripture shows us that they were BOTH in one place (together physically) but they were also in one accord (functioning in unity); and because of this we have the Day of Pentecost. They were able to receive the promise of the Holy Spirit from God the Father because they were all in one place and in unity.


The power of the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the people, and they began to supernaturally operate beyond their natural limitations by the power of God that had come upon them–through unity!

We need more of this today! We need the Church (the body of Christ) to begin operating in more unity so the Blessing of God–the Power of God–can fall on His people afresh to anoint and empower them to fulfill His plan on the Earth and usher in the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

There’s so much going on in the world today that is causing division. The enemy is using mainstream media, politics, social media, shifting in culture…etc., to drive a wedge between believers. This ‘divide and conquer’ strategy is meant to disarm the Body of Christ and cause us to become ineffective against his plans.  

But we’re children of the Most High God, and we should be aware of the enemy’s schemes so we won’t fall prey to them. This is not to say that we should just roll over and allow society to dictate what we say and do just to appease them – absolutely not! There are going to be many instances where unity is not possible with those who do not believe – how can there be – we have different belief systems and moral compasses. This teaching emphasizes the importance of the followers of Christ getting and staying in unity so that God’s Blessing will be upon us and empower us to accomplish it on Earth as it is in Heaven! The Blessing [an empowerment from God to prosper and succeed] follows unity.

Now more than ever, our world needs to witness a unified body of believers who stand firm on their convictions but also choose to love, forgive, unify, and be used of God to usher in His Will.

As I look back on that family trip to Universal, I realize that The Blessing of God was upon us as a family, and it produced a powerful experience of peace, joy, and wonderful memories.  

With unity and The Blessing, the Church can experience that as well, even in the midst of all the chaos going on around us. I believe it would be a demonstration of God’s goodness and lovingkindness. I believe it’ll attract unbelievers to us because they’ll desire what they see in us.

Because Jeremiah 31:3 tells us that God draws people by His lovingkindness, and Romans 2:4 tells us that it’s His Goodness that leads them to repentance.  

Let’s let our unity empower us to be used by God to save the world around us.

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