Giving The Word First Place
By Jason DePoy | Who doesn’t like ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas?” However the greatest story for the season is the story of Jesus’ birth. Jason explores how God sees us compared to our own observations.
By Jason DePoy | Who doesn’t like ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas?” However the greatest story for the season is the story of Jesus’ birth. Jason explores how God sees us compared to our own observations.
By Angela Errett | Remember that God loved us first! There is no sin to low for Him to bring you out of. He made a way where there was no way…
By Bob Jacobus | An uplifting perspective on how to embrace divine presents, uniquely crafted just for you! Be encouraged as you explore the blessings of your song!
By Angela Errett | ‘Tis the season to rejoice over the wonders and love Jesus Christ gave to us through His miraculous birth.
By Al Tucker | A good soldier of Christ Jesus is someone who wholeheartedly embraces the journey of faith, and Al’s latest testimony shines a light on this beautiful path!
by Angela Errett | God wants everyone to come to the Banquet for His Son. Everyone. Yet, not all will submit to His voice. Unity before division comes into play
by Jason DePoy | The Lord not only loves unity, but it’s His desire for all of humanity. So much so that when we choose to live in unity, it ushers in His power to cause that person, business, church, community…etc., to prosper and succeed despite the surrounding conditions.
by Bob Jacobus | 1+1=1 is a valid spiritual function; go figure. A binary can be a subject or object made of two things or parts. The distinction is in science and mathematics, 1=1=1 is more or less a function, and in the spirit, it is more or less a relationship.
By Angela Errett | “You were given authority to rule the land, yet the land is not yours. The land is of the Father, and being of the Father it is IN HIM.
By Bob Jacobus | The narrative behind the statement has application to major socio-political story lines of the 2020s. You cannot stand against Him.
By Angela Errett | As a child, one of my favorite stories in the Bible was Adam and Eve. If God made them, He made me! Exploring Kingdom Seed, Time, and Harvest
By Jason DePoy | The enemy wants us task-oriented, God wants us people-oriented. God’s primary focus is people, and so should ours. Use every chance to Do Good…
By Al Tucker | No matter what gifts we have been given, we are all called to be encouragers. God’s word is full of encouragement. It is one of the main themes throughout the New Testament and is used over one hundred times. It was also fundamental to Paul’s ministry as he worked to encourage new converts to grow in Christ.
By Jason DePoy | So, there I was, clinging to this branch, trying not to look down. I’ve never really liked heights, so needless to say, I was in quite a predicament.
By Angela Errett | If we look at how a tree grows, we can see it expands in two directions at once: roots in the ground and a canopy above the ground. This duality is a tree’s natural state. Think of it also in a spiritual sense: what is seen and what is unseen.
By Bob Jacobus | God often responds to human beliefs and behavior with a question. Ample narratives in both the Old Testament and New Testament support this truth. Today, with all the double talk, blaming the victim, and governmental inconsistencies, God’s most used question is one simple word…“Really?”
By Angela Errett | Many sermons and discussions about the Parable of the Talents, such as God giving us physical/spiritual talents to multiply or money, bring truth to light, but is there something else to consider about the parable?
By Jason DePoy | Imagine yourself watching your four-year-old daughter playing in the mud, but she is making bricks to help pay off debt to a kiln master…
By Angela Errett | A believer must decide if they want to go beyond just being saved and learn about the field where the treasure is stored.
By Bob Jacobus | Mercy Seat is a term that piques the spiritual interest that is innate in most humans; that is, it may excite you, spark interest in you, irritate you, annoy you, or make you angry.
By Angela Errett | Babylon Has Fallen | It has been said, “I come in the name of the Lord.” It has been said, “This way is right, or that way is right.” But who can speak on behalf of the Lord? Only those chosen by the Father can speak for His Son.
By Angela Errett | The two thieves on the cross had opposite natures. One did not see his own condemnation and repent. One did. | Thief on the Cross.
By Angela Errett | What we edify through our liberty can bring us down one of two roads: narrow or wide. The more limited the path, the more it leads us closer to knowing the truth about the world, our part in it while we are alive, and how to operate in our trials and triumphs.
By Angela Errett | Many years ago, I had an incredibly vivid dream. This dream has become clearer over the past few years and public events have played an important role in the warning it contains…