
By Bob Jacobus | God often responds to human beliefs and behavior with a question. Ample narratives in both the Old Testament and New Testament support this truth. Today, with all the double talk, blaming the victim, and governmental inconsistencies, God’s most used question is one simple word…“Really?”

Popular This Week

REVEALING God’s Glory | Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

By Al Tucker | Being youngest of seven in England prior to World War II, the times dictated family life. Times were tough, but I now know blessings flowed…


By Jason DePoy | So, there I was, clinging to this branch, trying not to look down. I’ve never really liked heights, so needless to say, I was in quite a predicament.   

Only A Father’s Love

By Angela Errett | There is a song lyric that says the first cut is the deepest. We know the first cut God the Father had to make in the Garden of Eden was deep. So deep that to facilitate it, He had to prune the very creation He loved and fashioned after Himself.

Choosing The Right Tree

By Angela Errett | If we look at how a tree grows, we can see it expands in two directions at once: roots in the ground and a canopy above the ground. This duality is a tree’s natural state. Think of it also in a spiritual sense: what is seen and what is unseen.


By Bob Jacobus | God often responds to human beliefs and behavior with a question. Ample narratives in both the Old Testament and New Testament support this truth. Today, with all the double talk, blaming the victim, and governmental inconsistencies, God’s most used question is one simple word…“Really?”

Laugh, And Let Laugh

As a self-proclaimed one-trick-pony, Gordon Douglas has made people laugh for decades. He recently visited Buckhannon, WV, for a fundraising event for the Central West Virginia Center for Pregnancy Care (CWVCPC) held at The Way of Holiness Church in March 2024.

Looking Beyond Talents

By Angela Errett | Many sermons and discussions about the Parable of the Talents, such as God giving us physical/spiritual talents to multiply or money, bring truth to light, but is there something else to consider about the parable?

God Specializes in The Impossible

By Jason DePoy | Imagine yourself watching your four-year-old daughter playing in the mud, but she is making bricks to help pay off debt to a kiln master…

The Treasure

By Angela Errett | A believer must decide if they want to go beyond just being saved and learn about the field where the treasure is stored.

Mercy Seat

By Bob Jacobus | Mercy Seat is a term that piques the spiritual interest that is innate in most humans; that is, it may excite you, spark interest in you, irritate you, annoy you, or make you angry.

REVEALING God’s Glory | Never Be Lacking In Zeal

By Al Tucker | Easter triggers such a renewal for me. When I think how much God loves me to have allowed His Son to be so brutally tortured and crucified for my sins, I am totally overwhelmed.

To Be Continued…The Return of Messiah

By Angela Errett | Babylon Has Fallen | It has been said, “I come in the name of the Lord.” It has been said, “This way is right, or that way is right.” But who can speak on behalf of the Lord? Only those chosen by the Father can speak for His Son. 

The Undoctrinated Witness

By Angela Errett | The two thieves on the cross had opposite natures. One did not see his own condemnation and repent. One did. | Thief on the Cross.

The Duel State of Liberty

By Angela Errett | What we edify through our liberty can bring us down one of two roads: narrow or wide. The more limited the path, the more it leads us closer to knowing the truth about the world, our part in it while we are alive, and how to operate in our trials and triumphs.

2024 April-May Issue Out Now!

Stories of faith and testimonies of God’s glory and His ability to do the impossible will uplift your spirit. Dive into treasures of the field and mercy seat as you enjoy this special release.

The Secret Place Kept By The Power Of God

By Angela Errett | Something is constantly vying for our attention. Whether external or internal, there is a myriad of distractions to keep us in chaos throughout our day. Why is that so? I contend it is so we will not focus on the gifts, talents, and abilities that God gave us to use on His behalf to overcome…

Love Prefers Others

By Jason Depoy | Although celebrating Valentine’s Day is fine, as Jesus’ followers, we must be diligent to not adopt the world’s definition of love.  That word has been watered down to mean just about anything.  We love ice cream, and we love…

REVEALING God’s Glory | Make Room For Jesus

By Al Tucker | Happy New Year! By the time you read this, almost 10% of 2024 will already be in the rear-view mirror. I always enjoy each new year as I treat it as a time for new beginnings, a fresh start where I look for opportunities to grow and new challenges to explore. 

Be Willing To Do His Will – The Light Choice

By Angela Errett | We are at a crossroads in human history. Only a few moments in our existence have had the impact that the next year and the years to come will have on the lives of everything on Earth.

2024 February – March Issue Out Now!

We are thrilled to announce that our February – March edition of Glory Magazine is now available! This issue is all about celebrating God’s love and reflecting on what love truly means. Whether you are looking for inspiration for Valentine’s Day or the Easter season, Glory Magazine has got you covered.

A Loaded Question

By Bob Jacobus | Jesus often asked loaded questions. He did this to teach, preach, and provide eternal answers. After all, He was called teacher, went about preaching, and was called Messiah. Jesus is a master educator.

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

By Jason DePoy | For unto YOU was born that day, in the city of David, a Saviour who will save, deliver, and preserve you. One that will keep you safe and rescue you from danger, suffering, and destruction.

REVEALING God’s Glory | Luke, Gabriel, and the Nativity

By Al Tucker | God’s Son had stepped out of heaven and was lying there as a helpless infant. What a birth announcement God orchestrated. Luke and the nativity

Forever God–Three In One: Eternal, Immortal, Invisible

By Bob Jacobus | There were three unseen qualities in the manger that first Christmas morning. The baby was an eternal being, a person with no beginning and no end.

Walking Dead: From Drugs to Evangelist

From gangs, drugs, and prison, how Carlos Reyes of Daybreak Ministries became a voice for Teen Challenge and on fire for the Gospel of Jesus Christ: Reyes to Speak at the 2023 Northern Appalachian Teen Challenge Banquet

2023 Christmas Issue Out Now!

It’s time to unwrap the gift of inspiration this holiday season! Our Christmas edition of the Glory Magazine is out now, and it’s packed with heartwarming stories about the birth of Christ. Reconnect with the reason for the season! 

The Illusion Of Progress

By Angela Errett | The word progress gets thrown around a lot. We must progress in technology, biology, science, energy, politics, transportation, and even our religion. Ever wonder to whose desired destination we are progressing? 

REVEALING God’s Glory | Let Us Not Become Weary

By Al Tucker | The past year has been one of the more challenging years of Liva and my fifty-eight years of marriage. When you are blessed to live as long as we have, you are well aware it is a natural part of life to lose family members and dear friends along the way. However, since August 2022…

Red Sky

By Bob Jacobus | Jesus was being pressed by religious professionals about His behavior because it did not fit their narrative. In a brilliant move…Red Sky

Paschal Lamb of Easter

by Angela Errett | Have you ever heard of the Paschal lamb? In the Jewish religion, the Paschal lamb, also called the Passover lamb, is ritually sacrificed in observance of Jewish law on the evening of the Passover. The Jews were instructed by God to sacrifice an unblemished lamb and place its blood on the doorposts so the striking of the Lord would “passover”…

An Easter Tapestry

By Bob Jacobus | A tapestry is a work of art woven into a fabric, often telling a story or recording an event. God, on purpose, wove a great tapestry depicting Easter using threads of history, prophecy, traditions, and royal promises…

Easter, A Season of Hope

In North America, Easter comes in the spring as the new year dawns. The grass is green, and flowers are beginning to bloom. It is so refreshing after the long night of winter. It is the season of everlasting hope worldwide. Easter, and let us not get caught up in...

REVEALING God’s Glory | The Five G’s | God’s Grace

by Al Tucker | As I have thought more about redeeming my allotted time, how I do that has taken on a greater sense of urgency. In earlier articles, I have written about my search for God’s purpose in my life and how I feel that revealing His Glory is one of His purposes for me. But I have learned that how we live our lives for Him is just as important as the works.

REVEALING God’s Glory | Continuation of The Five G’s

By Al Tucker | Is living a life of obedience or spiritual integrity easy? In today’s world, we face all sorts of cultural challenges, worries, temptations, hurts, fears, frustrations, etc., all of which bring opportunities to compromise ourselves. Our once cherished freedom and forms of religion are under attack to the worry of many believers.

Who Can Hide?

By Bob Jacobus | The scripture passage in Jeremiah 23:24 arrested me recently. Who can live and not be noticed by God? Who can do good or evil and not be noticed by God? Who is completely safe unless they hide in Christ? Who can help but…

REVEALING God’s Glory | Weathering Storms

by Al Tucker | It became clear to me God had an important message for us; specifically, He needs us to become desperately involved in carrying out His will for our lives. We only have to turn on the TV or open a newspaper to know how prevalent evil is. Paul would say evil not only exists, but it is flourishing in our time.

What is Truth? The Answer is…

by Angela Errett | Would you know the truth if you heard it? In chapter 18 of the Book of John, Truth is revealed. When we understand that our emotions and what we see in this world can lie to us, then our minds can come to realize, just as the Apostle Paul did, that Jesus Christ carried the Word of God and revealed truth for us to receive it and come into agreement with it.

Fear And Afraid: Two Very Different Human Experiences

by Bob Jacobus | Fear and afraid are two words that are used interchangeably in casual conversation and, by dictionary definition, considered matching counterparts. However, fear can have an entirely different meaning depending on the context and perspective of the speaker, transmitter, and receiver.

Happy Easter! From All of Us at Glory Magazine

By Angela Errett | For Christians, Easter Sunday is considered the holiest of Sundays. It is the appointed day to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Paschal lamb who was slain for our transgressions on Good Friday and rose again on the Third Day.

Bread of Life: Knowing Your Provider

By Angela Errett | The story of Christ feeding the five thousand with five loaves and two fish, being the only miracle recorded in all four gospels*, should signal all who follow Christ to pay attention to it and live by it.

Kingdom Marriage: The Wedding Feast Approaches

By Angela Errett | If you are risen with Christ, seek those things which are above. Christ, the anointed, resides in this position, on the right hand of God, in a place of honor and authority. We are to set our affection on the higher knowledge of God’s Kingdom.

What You Have Faith In

by Angela Errett | My studies have made me realize that when reading the Bible, there is an opportunity to view it from multiple dimensions. Reading the Bible in a year is a great occasion…

Immortal, Invisible, Except…

by Bob Jacobus | How does one begin to describe God? Immortal is a good place to start–no beginning and no end.

Have This Mind

by Angela Errett | We are to bring our thoughts into captivity, casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God

REVEALING God’s Glory | Turning 80 with a ‘wonky’ heart

by Al Tucker | Glory Magazine | I celebrated my 80th birthday on August 31, 2022. Never in my wildest imagination would I have thought my best birthday gift turning 80 would be learning that my physical heart was ‘wonky.’ UPDATE: ‘Help Us Help Kids” calendar fundraiser

The Designer’s Christmas

by Bob Jacobus | The Designer’s Christmas | The first Christmas party, after becoming a committed believer, has had lasting impacts. The food, the decorations, the friendly people, and the common ground that united us filled my heart with joy and great gladness. The work and resources the host and hostess invested in the celebration still bear fruit today.

Where Are We?

By Angela Errett | As I was in prayer, God led me to a scripture in the book of Daniel. As I read it, a movie played in my mind, and all the words began to jump off the page. “This is where we are,” I thought. Each word made sense. How incredible is it that the words written by the prophet Daniel…

Ephesus: A Church Found Wanting

by Angela Errett | Ephesus: A Church Found Wanting | Let’s start a journey on an old Roman road. This road was a major Roman mail route located in ancient Asia Minor–in modern-day Turkey–and part of the eastern regions of the world known as the Orient.

All Honor Is His

by Angela Errett | All Honor Is His | Those who regularly read this magazine know that each issue is unique. No one confers with the other, solely relying on the Spirit to lead and guide us to what He would have us say.

REVEALING God’s Glory | The Perfect Gift

by Al Tucker | When you read this Revealing God’s Glory article, we will be in the Advent Season, awaiting Christmas, the day we celebrate when God sent His perfect gift, Jesus, into this world. Before being saved, if you asked me what my most perfect or memorable gift was, I would tell you…

Get Out Of Egypt This Christmas: Enjoy The Blessing

by Angela Errett | Personal journeys are only ever understood years later and after a significant reflection occurs. And even then, revelation may not come. This is a story about realizing how on a day-to-day basis, each one of us could be unknowingly choosing to remain where it is comfortable…

The Chosen Season 3 Coming November

The new trailer for season three of The Chosen, featuring episodes one and two, was released today, October 17, 2022, at noon on YouTube. The “Come and See” phenomenon has seen great success over the past few years in its unique Angel Studios app platform.

Tamar, A Message of Valor

By Angela Errett | Tamar, A Message of Valor | God’s ways are definitely not our ways. Reading the Bible often makes us wonder how God could use this person or that person to accomplish His perfect will? The genealogy of Jesus, the Christ, also contains such people.

Wells of Relief and Remedies

By Bob Jacobus | Wells of Relief and Remedies | When things have not gone well for a while, there is a particular need for relief. A remedy is most welcome even if things are bad for a day. This is true for individuals, families, communities, and nations.

REVEALING God’s Glory | Live Life Worthy

by Al Tucker | Born in England, I immigrated to America in June 1954 with my parents and two brothers, and we settled in New Martinsville, WV, to be near my sister. As my oldest sibling, she married a GI (American soldier) after World War II.

Get Ready

Editor’s Letter | Even in bleak times, there is hope, and hope comes through faith in the promises of God. God gave His only Son so we could receive it and walk in abundance through our journey. However, if we never flex a muscle, it becomes lame. Faith is a muscle that gains its strength through a relationship with Jesus. Each time we believe what the Word says over what the world says, we flex our “faith muscle.” And God will only meet you at your level of faith in His abilities. 

Return Unto Me: Getting to the Heart of the Matter

by Angela Errett | I believe that when God sent you to earth for His purpose, He gave you a piece of His heart. Think of it this way, when someone leaves for a long journey to serve in an army, we will say, “They took a piece of my heart with them.” Same thing! What would happen if your son, daughter, or spouse didn’t want to talk to you while serving? They never call, never write, and you are never a thought that crosses their mind. Or do they only call you on your birthday, a holiday…

REVEALING God’s Glory | Sharing the Walk with God

by Alan Tucker | In the summer of 1998, I finally realized one of my dreams: I got to play at the famous Pebble Beach Golf Links in California. If you have followed my past testimonies, you know that golf was my life at one time. It consumed me. A friend even wrote a song about me once called “Addicted to Golf.” Sadly, the experience of playing Pebble Beach was underwhelming as the golf course was under major repair..

Faux Pas Mercy

by Bob Jacobus | A faux pas is a misstep, often a blunder or tactless act. Untimely, unthoughtful remarks or expression of opinions, gaffes if you will, are also considered faux pas. There are outcomes or consequences to these bloopers, often more severe than the offence. In the Kingdom of Heaven, an unintentional sin and errors in faith, no matter how innocent, are missteps and most definitely faux pas. Aren’t you glad that God has great mercy for faux pas?

REVEALING God’s Glory | Springtime Lessons

by Al Tucker | As I write this edition’s Revealing God’s Glory article on lessons, we are enjoying one of God’s masterpieces, springtime! Just think of how dull life would be without this wonderful annual blessing: no returning robins nor other melodious songbirds that sing their heart out…

The Perfect Center

by Bob Jacobus | In these modern times, humanity is measured on a linear scale, which functions much like the weight and balance beam. The turning point is the exact, perfect center. To one side is the left and to the other side is the right. No one stands at the perfect center. If you believe in God, then God stands there, except deity is not measured on a human scale. What is the fulcrum, the perfect standard of humanity? With today’s rhetoric and yesterday’s behavior, there can be no doubt that people are either left or right on the balance beam of eternity.

The Door

by Angela Errett | What is a door? Anyone reading this knows that a door is a passageway from one space into another. It is a doorway, a gate, you must go through to get from one room to another or from the “outdoors” into the “indoors.” Everywhere you look, there are doors; front doors, back doors, side doors, attic doors. A door on your car. A door on the bus. A door on every building you pass on the street. 

The Narrow Way

by Angela Errett | What will the world look like when God is no longer present? When His hand of mercy is removed for the judgment of the wicked? I do not think even the godless people of the world can fathom the amount of darkness that will prevail when that time comes. Hollywood pumps out scenarios with black-hearted agendas and manifestos, yet, we have never lived in a time when some form of God’s grace was not present. 

Noah, the Last Epoch, and the Tower of Babel

by Angela Errett | We explore, are we living in the “Days of Noah” and experiencing the new Tower of Babel? The word Babel usually invokes two events from the ancient past recorded in the Bible; the confusion of the language of Man and the destruction of the tower they tried to build in the city known as Babylon.

REVEALING God’s Glory Lessons to Walk Worthy

by Al Tucker | Lessons to Walk Worthy: My testimony will focus on lessons I have learned during my walk with God this time and for the foreseeable future. 1 Thessalonians 2:12 is my guiding scripture for 2022. My walk with God is my passion, my life, the thing that consumes my thoughts. It is not so I can feel special, feel content, or sit back and bask in His peace…

The Harmony and Utility of Psalm 23

by Bob Jacobus | Psalms are beautiful, artistic expressions of faith and hope. Psalm 23 is especially practical. The thing is, how does one translate the abstract beauty of these divine words into applied utility? First of all, one needs to understand a psalm before trying to appropriate the power it contains. Secondly, the psalm must be fully embraced as truth and a gateway to hope. Finally, the psalm needs to be internalized and adopted as part of one’s nature. The treasure of harmony and utility comes towards the end of this essay. Psalm 23 is particularly important because it covers the…

I Have Redeemed Them: Choose God’s Seal Not Man’s

by Angela Errett | We have entered into unprecedented times with the disruptions of all the world’s systems. However, for the Body of Christ, it will be a glorious reunion with the Kingdom of God. Throughout the Bible, God supplies the needs of His people, protects, and keeps His Word, whether to satisfy His justice or confirm His grace and mercy.

The Price of Admission

by Bob Jacobus | There is a cost associated with every event. Sometimes the ticket is zero; however, that does not mean it is free. Resources are spent or sacrificed to get to the venue’s door. Often a benefactor purchases a ticket and gifts it to another for admittance. Tickets are never free; someone somewhere pays the price.

Redeeming Grace Outreach Worship Center UPDATE

“I want to encourage anybody who has a vision from God to write that vision down and make it plain.” Pastor Jason Boggs, RGOWC | God gave Pastor Jason a vision three months ago. A vision to restore the community…

REVEALING God’s Glory Feb-Mar 2022

by Al Tucker | When God invites you into His kingdom, and you accept that invitation, your life changes forever: the way you think, the way you act, what is important to you, whom you serve, what you believe, what you do, and so on. Unlike the Apostle Paul, this doesn’t happen overnight for most of us, and it didn’t work that way for me.

This CHRISTmas

By Angela Errett | Another year in the books feels like two years have melded into about six months. The chronicle of time has become but a vapor. Our lives have either been containers for good or …

The Race

By Angela Errett | And let us run with patience the race that is set before us. See Hebrews 12:1 | Every day, the world gets up with an incredible opportunity to see God’s creation as His perfect harmonious orchestra performing with all its…

Prayers, Blessings, and Communions

By Bob Jacobus | There are three paths of direct spiritual contact available to mankind. Prayers generally emanate from humanity, blessings generally originate from divinity, and communions are interactions between parties. ..

Redeeming Grace Outreach Worship Center Looks to Expand

Glory Story | “The heartbeat of Redeeming Grace Outreach Worship Center (RGOWC) is to reach out and renew lives,” Pastor Jason Boggs said, “and fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ; Your glory Lord is our story.”

REVEALING God’s Glory Dec-Jan 21-2022

RGG | by Al Tucker | “I’m so dizzy, my head is spinning” are the opening lyrics of a number one hit record back in the sixties. For quite some time before my triple bypass surgery and for a good six months into my recovery, “Dizzy,” the 1969 chart-topping hit, could easily have been my theme song as light-headedness and wooziness plagued me continually…

Editor’s Letter – First Love

What do you see in your mind’s eye when you hear the words “first love?” Is it the first person you kissed? Is it your first boyfriend or girlfriend? Is it your husband or wife? All of these examples are physical representations of someone you have felt a type of...

Malevolent or Benevolent? The Hamburg Trials

Let’s start by confirming what many have sensed, the spirit over this nation has changed. We’ve all felt this change… | Hamburg Trials | Nuremberg Code

REVEALING God’s Glory Oct-Nov 2021

Al Tucker | I would not be writing this testimony if I had not crossed paths with Russ Bush, and there’s a good chance that I may never have gotten to walk with Jesus either. I arrived in Buckhannon seventeen years ago, the same year that Russ was diagnosed with cancer.

The Jubilee Blessing

Bob Jacobus | This essay proposes that there is a hidden Jubilee Blessing that often goes unnoticed, maybe never identified as a blessing, and chances are seldom it is declared. The Jubilee Blessing is very powerful and even more so as one understands its origin and originator.

WARNING: Beasts of the Field

by Angela Errett | As you read the scriptures and the commentary, know that the Holy Spirit or the spirit of another god will determine if a person sees the good or bad, the astonishment or devastation, horror or deliverance from the events to come….

Sign Of Great Fear

Many years ago, I had an incredibly vivid dream. This dream has become clearer over the past few years and public events have played an important role in the warning it contains…

Martha of Bethany

I have always loved the name, Martha. Mainly because it is my mother’s first name, and it was in Martha’s house that we see the Lord reveal an example of bringing peace to our world. At the beginning of Luke chapter 10 (see below), the Lord gives us the keys...

REVEALING God’s Glory Aug-Sept 2021

“If anyone DESIRES to come after me, let him DENY himself and TAKE UP his cross DAILY and FOLLOW Me.”  Luke 9:23 NKJV Last time, I wrote about conversion. You might remember I capitalized the word each time I used it.  I did that to try to emphasize that salvation...

The Child Who Cried Wolf

by Bob Jacobus | In 1867 a story was published in a collection called Aesop’s Fables.

Aesop didn’t suffer from woke expectations; he just told simple stories to teach important truths like “The Shepherd Boy and The Wolf.” This particular story has many applications in today’s world. Another wolf parable with implicit cautions would be “Little Red Riding Hood.” And the Bible also uses the wolf as a literary instrument to express truth and warning. It is not the purpose of this essay to offend; however, it travels through the valley of the shadow of post-modern correctness…

The Fear of Cain

In “The Anger of Cain,” we explored how the emotion wroth came into the presence of Cain and possessed him. Today, we can understand on a minute scale what that amount of rage looked like…


Leaven is a word whose meaning has evolved over time with usage. It originally was the term used for the action of yeast or another agent that would spread throughout a defined body or mass. Today leaven is synonymous with the acting agent; in the case of bread, it would...

REVEALING God’s Glory Jun-Jul 2021

by Al Tucker So here I am, five months from my recovery from triple bypass surgery. Physically, it has not been the easiest of journeys as it is a major shock to your system that requires time for healing. Plus, I’ve had to deal with issues caused by medicine or...

The Anger of Cain

Over the last few months, Cain became the area of focus for my studies. In continuing them, the Lord revealed more about the “anger of Cain.” Please read Genesis chapter 4:1-16 before continuing.

Parsons Pregnancy Center Receives Ultrasound Donation

After a chance meeting during a Rally For Life event in Charleston, WV, Barbara Kincaid, Director of the CWVCPC…

The Land of Nod – Cain and Abel

by Angela Errett | I recently woke from a dream that impacted me deeply. This particular vision was like a vintage silent movie skipping along on an old rickety film reel with scratches dashing across the screen as it played. It reminded me of the Land of Nod. The backdrop was deep brown with black undertones; however, the subject matter could not be mistaken… Story of Cain and Able

REVEALING God’s Glory Apr-May 2021

It is good to give thanks to the LORD...Psalm 92:1 KJV For the past few weeks, I thought I had solidified my topic for this edition’s testimony. However, as the days wore on, it just was not coming together, and it became clear the reason for that was because it...

A New Way Forward

There is something so reassuring about the Spring season. The sun decides to stay out a little longer. The birds emerge from their winter slumber to serenade those who pass by. Everything dormant now bursts forth with a rainbow of colors and smells. The prospect of entertaining outside–especially since we...

Editor’s Letter: The Hangman Revival

During a prayer meeting, I was blessed to attend on January 17, 2020, we were asked to pray and seek God’s heart. God revealed this to me. During the silent session, I was led to the book of Esther. Grab a Bible and read Esther, then go to chapter 7...

House of Judas

The Apostle Paul (Saul of Tarsus) is one of the most intriguing figures in the Bible. He was from Tarsus, which means a flat basket. Compared to Athens, it was known as a famous university town with all manner of science and art celebrities along with a renowned medical school. Saul...

A Night in the Lion’s Den

There is a Bible narrative that runs parallel to conditions and circumstances that many experience at one time or another. It can be a personal experience, but the incident usually has a corporate attribute, where several people are involved. Critical events that have lions attached to them can also be...

REVEALING God’s Glory Feb-Mar 2021

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight.Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) As we move into 2021, most of us say “good riddance 2020,” and wish we could hit the delete...

Birth of Necessity

The birthday of Jesus has been a milestone event every year for the past 2 millennia. How is it the baby of a common class couple earns such distinction and renown? Jesus is special...God in the flesh. The exclusive relationship of Jesus within the Godhead made His birth necessary. The...

Come To The Storehouse

Wow! The year 2020 will be put into the history books as the most transitional year for every individual and “the powers that be” since the formation of the United States of America.  Not one person could have imagined how the events from the pages of the Bible would be...

REVEALING God’s Glory Dec-Jan 20-21

My last testimony centered around my coming to the realization that my life as a Christian must be about “Loving God and Loving Others.” When Jesus was asked, “what is the greatest commandment?” He replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and...

How to Manage Your Money Wisely With Godly Principles

If the current financial condition has caught you off guard just like the global pandemic, you need to know there is hope! However, that knowledge is not being taught in our school systems today. It seems that we now have many generations going out into the world, not knowing how to control their money and make is prosperous, yet we sure are given the opportunity and ability to spend it just a fast as it comes to us.

Are You Existing in the Wrong OS?

Are You Existing in the Wrong OS? (Operating System) | by Angela Errett | Recently, I needed to update all of my computer systems. It had been a couple years since I had done anything other than the required operating system security updates and such, so I was dreading the amount of time it would take to complete. I kept putting it off and putting it at the bottom of my list of things to do. Each Monday, I would add it to my calendar, and by Friday, another week would pass by. The attitude was, “Well, I’ll try again next week.”

Editor’s Letter: Work As Unto The Lord

Editor’s Letter: Work As Unto The Lord | by Angela Errett | Checking Out Is Not An Option | So, have you ‘checked out’ the last few months because of the pandemic? Many have, yet the world keeps spinning. The sun still rises in the east and sets in the west. It is effortless to use something as significant as a pandemic as an excuse to eat more, sleep more, and work less, whether by your own choice or not…

Whatever Happens

Whatever Happens | by Bob Jacobus | Stuff Happens! Good stuff, bad stuff, and in-between stuff just happens. Regardless of the situation, the phrase, “Whatever Happens” can be a statement of hope, that things are going to get better if they are bad, things can be just as good tomorrow as they are today, and life doesn’t ever need to be uninteresting. One thing is for sure, we live in…

REVEALING God’s Glory Oct-Nov 2020

REVEALING God’s Glory Oct-Nov 2020 | by Al Tucker | In these difficult times of trying to figure how best to live with Covid-19, which is still taking too many lives, and with the growing unrest across our beautiful land, I can think of no better words to open my testimony up with than the Apostle Paul’s greeting. “Grace to you and peace from God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.” If you have God’s grace and peace…

Editor’s Letter: Be Ye Bringers of Light

Be Ye Bringers of Light | by Angela Errett | 2020 is proving to be a new dimension in human existence. It’s as if we are standing on the beach as the sand begins to drain between our toes. Another wave of events unfolds. Back and forth, it goes. Up over our toes, then back out to the sea of unknowns.

Cast Your Pearls

Cast Your Pearls | by Angela Errett | So the world wants you to believe it knows the truth. We have been shown by all types of mediums such as news, music, films, companies, social media, TV, video games, and especially popular culture, that destruction, despair, and the plight of humankind is coming. Sadly, they may or may not know they are prophesying for the prince of the power of the air. They undoubtedly can be referred to as the many false prophets spoken of in the Bible. And I have to be honest, for the world, destruction is coming. But there is hope!

REVEALING God’s Glory Aug-Sept 2020

REVEALING God’s Glory Aug-Sept 2020 | by Al Tucker | I am sitting here on July 5, reflecting on the year 2020 so far. I remember at the beginning of the year, having so much excitement and optimism. I looked forward to so many things involving family, friends, photography adventures, revamping my garden, Band of Brothers’ work, and even trying something completely brand new this year, which I had not chosen at that time…

It’s A New World

A rightly timed word for today….
It’s A New World | by Angela Errett | You cannot love God and mammon. A message received on June 26, 2020

The Banquet is Prepared–Dance With Me

The Banquet is Prepared-Dance With Me | by Angela Errett | God is so loving to those who chose Him! I so enjoy it when He speaks through songs to me. This time, as I sat to start writing, the song “Dance With Me” by the Orleans began to play in my head. Of course, I looked up the words (even though I knew most of them)…

God, Lighten Our Eyes

There are days when I am just going along, trying to complete the tasks before me, when I am stopped in my tracks. God has a way of moving and speaking like no other! He is the God of all creation, and when He speaks, He requires honor! Stop what...

The Way Out… Is Foolish to the World

The world has now entered a phase of reckoning. Will the world accept the payment for sin? Or will the world continue to spiral out of control, into chaos, to save face, go down with the ship, and cling to their own idols and self-made religion that unequivocally denies God? ...

Are You Prepared?

Listen For That Still Small Voice This particular writing has been long and laborious for me. The weight of its content is not lost on me, and it has been a work-in-progress over the last few months. I share the words given to me. I also share scriptures that came...

Editor’s Letter: Winds of Change

Change always blows in and blows out. It comes, never giving way to time but to the purpose of God. It goes into the face of all that we know and forces us as humans to move or…

The S e p a r a t o r

“All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.” Matthew 25:32 (NIV) About a year ago, I heard in the Spirit that the earth was entering into a season of separation. Not just...

REVEALING God’s Glory Jun-Jul 2020

Here is my personal pandemic story, which brought me encounters with angels. I had not been feeling 100% for a couple of months, and then…

Editor’s Letter: Taking Ground

First, the articles you are reading in this issue were all composed before the Covid 19 Pandemic declaration on March 11, 2020. And because of this new reality, the April-May 2020 issue of Glory Magazine will be available on our digital platforms to comply with the Covid 19 Federal Guidelines....

Having Ought Against Any

Who doggies! There is some supernatural correction beginning to take place in the Body of Christ. Pardon my use of the southern vernacular, but ya’ll better pull them boots on, jump in the pit, and prepare for some muddy people to get clean! Including me because this lesson is a...

REVEALING God’s Glory Apr-May 2020

Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the Lord and not people. Colossians 3:23 NKJV by Al Tucker On this first day of March, I am like an excited child who cannot wait for Christmas morning to arrive. You see, I am waiting on the Lord...

An Easter Worldview

Worldviews are fascinating. Everyone has a worldview, whether they know it or not. One’s prime worldview is a collection of subordinate worldviews about specific issues, beliefs, and values. An individual can have conflicting sub-views in their personal set, and what one would call a general Christian worldview may not be...

I Remember My People

I write this with trembling as it is God whom I fear and only Him shall I answer to. These past few months have been very taxing for me as I can feel a spiritual war raging. We must look to the sky for the answers. We must raise our...

Choose Faith and Pray

With all the chaos happening in the world right now, we are getting a glimpse of the spiritual warfare playing out before our eyes. But believers, we are not of this world, we have been separated out for the purposes of God. With that said, fear and chaos do not...

A Vested Interest

By our created nature, people are wired to have interest in stuff. That interest becomes invested when there is a special connection with the item of attention. That attention may be long term or short term with varying degrees of concentration. Vested interests may be significant, beneficial or even entrusted. Human...

It’s The Little Things

Ever get so caught up in trying to do the ‘big things’ in life that the smaller things we deem less ‘important’ take over? For example, you work hard and get to a point where you can afford some extra luxuries in life, but you still can’t seem to get...

REVEALING God’s Glory Feb-Mar 2020

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV by Al Tucker “Jesus wants you for a sunbeam.”  Oh, how I would cringe on a Sunday morning...

Out the Window

The sky was overcast, and a slight chill would hit your face as the breeze circled its way through the trees. The cars whizzed by without any thought of those sitting in the restaurant. Blue vehicles, green cars, gray cars, delivery trucks, white cars, all colors of cars, made the...

Awake and Arise!

God is Calling The Church Higher Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.John 17:17 KJV Last time I checked, the only qualification to be a Christian (a follower of Christ) is to receive the gift of salvation from God Himself. Once that commitment has been made, and the...

Who is the Enemy of God?

For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. Romans 8:6-7 KJV Our battle is truly a spiritual one. It’s a battle taking place...

What’s Going On…

Being a Christian means more than attending a good service, having a fish emblem on your bumper, and volunteering for everything the church does. I am not trying to single out any one event here, but how confident are we that the matter was taken before the Lord before it’s...

Emmanuel: God With Us

Christmas does not stop at the manger. For many, the Jesus experience is just a warm and fuzzy feeling of a newborn in a cradle. For others, it is the wonder and amazement that God would humble himself and enter into our physical world as a baby, exactly the same...

REVEALING God’s Glory Dec-Jan 19-2020

As the holidays approach, I often think back to a Christmas in the late 1940s when I was about five- or six-years-old living in post-WWII England.  It was a time when things were very tight from a materialistic perspective, and everyday folks were still living on “ration cards.”   This...

Joy to the World

Where has the time gone? It seems each year goes by faster and faster, just like the newness of our latest technology gadgets. But each passing moment allows us another chance at doing better, being better, and being closer to our Maker. Each day enables us to consider what is...

A Walk in the Garden

I was as light as a feather… As the Father called me toward him, in His brilliant raiment of white and shining gold, there were no worries, no restraints. I was choosing the more needful thing. As He calls, He speaks my name in a low whisper. “I do a...

Whom God Helps

Lazarus House Opens to Offer Real Solutions I DO A NEW THING: FAITH TAKES ACTION The name Lazarus means ‘whom God helps’ and is a form of the Hebrew name Eleazar. There could be no more fitting name for the newly opened recovery house in Buckhannon–the Lazarus House. On July 1st...

Now It Springs Up

Every once in a while a universal truth springs up from a specific framework of Scripture, for example. Forget the former things;     do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!     Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am...

Blessed, Five Years In

It’s hard to believe it has been five years since we started on our journey to producing Glory Magazine. From the first vision God gave us until today seems like a lifetime ago.  When we began, we didn’t know how it would be accomplished and who would want to read...

REVEALING God’s Glory Oct-Nov 2019

By Al Tucker Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV One early winter a couple of years ago, a feral cat showed up in our shed.  She was very wary and would...

Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

By Angela Errett
The Kingdom has a governing body, built by God, who knows the truth about good and evil–abundance and lack.

Water, like air and blood, is necessary for life and all three flow. Man can create none of them; he can only manage them. They are fruitful when they are placed inside of boundaries but can be destructive when they breach their confines. In other words, they get out of balance…

The Blind Shall See

Philip Dunn Miraculously Healed of Blindness The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind: the Lord raiseth them that are bowed down: the Lord loveth the righteous: Psalm 146:8 KJV Let’s take a journey. Where were you in 2003? Did you have time to look up at the clouds passing...


By Angela Errett What kind of person are you? Are you a glass-half-full or a glass-half-empty variety? How you answer this question can help reveal your belief system or perspective. Moreover, once you have self-reflected and honestly answered it, are you willing to change it for the better if needed?...

REVEALING God’s Glory Aug-Sept 2019

By Al Tucker The most famous comedian of the early 1900s was W. C. Fields, a vaudevillian, who starred in both silent and early talking movies as well as the Broadway Theater.  He was the lead comedian in the Ziegfeld Follies for a lengthy time period and often commanded top...

Are You Sure?

By Bob Jacobus Recently the 11-year-old grandson was baptized. Caleb received the Lord before his fifth birthday and was evangelizing his little sister when she was about 3. The family was going to an amusement park, and the back-seat conversation went something like this; big brother asked little sister if...

After the Valley

You must be willing to enter the valley before being seated at the table. By Angela Errett Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a...

REVEALING God’s Glory Jun-Jul 2019

By Al Tucker I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation.Philippians 4:12 NIV Several years ago, my wife and I traveled back to my wife’s hometown to do some work on my mother-in-law’s house. Mom had passed the year prior, and we were fixing the...

The Scapegoat Disorder

By Bob Jacobus Whether one embraces a spiritual world or not, the principle of the Scapegoat exists. A popular word processor lists stooge, victim, accused, culprit, and fall guy as synonyms. Associated verbs according to a thesaurus are blame, incriminate, condemn, accuse, reproach, censure, and single out. All these words...

All Consuming Fire

God is an all-consuming fire.Hebrews 12:29 KJV The Church, those called out, have grown weary. They have seen the rise of a culture of death overflow in every aspect of society, and it is getting harder and harder to bear. Is there anything left that can be done and is...

A Promise to Astrid

JC Films’ A Promise to Astrid, was mainly filmed in Bridgeport, WV, and is based on the true story told in the award-winning book of the same name by Mike Tourville. The book is available online and at The story is a heartwarming tale of how Astrid, a woman...

Why I Celebrate Easter

Why celebrate someone’s death? It seems like an odd question doesn’t it? However, it’s not strange for those of us who believe in God. Believers are by nature to act contrary to what the world says is wise. The Bible tells us that the things of God are as foolishness to the world.

Turn to the Kingdom Way of Life

When working on what to write about for this issue, nothing was happening and it was past my deadline–but God! As I sat watching TV, I was overcome with a need to write. I grabbed my notepad, which I try to keep close by at all times, and began to...

A Place of Refuge – The Opening of the Northern Appalachian Teen Challenge Facility

Nestled in a curve along Good Hope Pike in Clarksburg, the newly finished Northern Appalachian Teen Challenge women’s facility is destined to become a beacon of hope for young women across the region. The center recently opened and is now preparing a way for women under the influence of addictions...

REVEALING God’s Glory Apr-May 2019

By Al Tucker In my last reflection, I shared some of my journey of trying to move from a casual to a more intimate relationship with Jesus. Rather than specifying a list of to-do resolutions for 2019, I’ve decided to follow the Apostle Paul’s reminder to the church in Corinth,...

Just Because

One of the neatest outreaches from a local body is the “Just Because Ministry” at Breath of God Worship in Buckhannon, West Virginia. The premise is simple; wrap a $50 bill, short explanation card, and contact card with a modest ribbon, then give the packet away at God’s discretion. The...

Don’t Participate in Satan’s Dream

Lucifer had a dream. A dream hidden in his innermost being, to be worshipped as if he were the one true God. His ‘self-talk’ convinced him he could be above the established law of Heaven: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word...

Seed of Salvation

One can be absolutely sure of one’s salvation; however, not everyone who thinks they are ok with God is saved. God plants seeds in one’s heart that grow into salvation with time. Jesus firmly and with measured gentleness expressed this in the parables. He also stated without reservation this great...

REVEALING God’s Glory Feb-Mar 2019

By Al Tucker The Christmas tree is down, the decorations put away, resolutions made, and in some cases broken already. That would be me most years in mid-January. I can’t remember past resolutions, but I’m sure they were about doing something healthy such as exercising; going someplace special to play...

Whom Do You Serve?

Here’s a question for you. What’s the difference between a noble man and a rich man, and can they be one-in-the-same? A noble man is someone who possesses great qualities, an excellent person, honorable, honest, unselfish, generous, and self-sacrificing — a person who belongs to a hereditary class. A rich...

Celebrate His Birth… Anticipate His Return

This time every year the world celebrates the birthday of Jesus Christ. Some know what the celebration is about and what it implies, others do not. Believer or non-believer it doesn’t matter; the holiday season is because of Him and not the other way around. The coming of the Messiah...


A JOURNEY OF PRAYERS Many movements have happened across our nation over the years and one of the most influential events still spoken of today is the Azusa Street Revival. The Revival took place in Los Angeles, California, and ran from 1906 to about 1915. Its profound impact on the...

Christmas Time

Jocelyn was eight years old the Christmas her wish came true. Jocelyn was an only child who dreamed of playing with a sister or brother someday. One summer afternoon, she decided to send a letter addressed to Santa Clause, Box 1, North Pole USA without her parents knowing it. By...

REVEALING God’s Glory Dec-Jan 18-19

by Al Tucker Each October, like many photographers, I enjoy making a pilgrimage to Dolly Sods in Tucker County. This rugged terrain has a natural beauty that is unmatched in any other place along the East Coast. Blueberry plants turn a crimson red amongst the flag pine trees, verdant laurel...

We Are At War – Peace Will Follow

From the very first scene in the movie Dunkirk, you know you are watching a war movie. The intense music that drones along from moment to moment leaves no doubt of the atmosphere the movie makers want you to experience. The lead character Tommy is continuously moving forward but at...

Understanding the Authority of the Believer

In today’s period of history, the last days of the Church Age, it is important to understand the workings of the Authority of the Believer in Christ. This short essay will not cover every aspect; however, it will provide enough information so that one might move toward being a practitioner...

REVEALING God’s Glory – Oct-Nov 2018

by Alan Tucker Sharing God’s glory through photos of his magnificent creation is a real joy. About ten years ago I decided to create a calendar that I called Al’s Almost Heaven Calendar, depicting the beauty of West Virginia. I gifted it to family and friends. Several people saw it...

The River Within

Have you ever sat and pondered the fact that you are made mostly of water? How can that be? Water may be a physical element that flows but, just like the universe, there is something that keeps it together in us. Something also keeps the seas from going no further;...

Left of Center

Rolling down an unmarked road in North Carolina, it occurred to me that even though there was no yellow center line, people still knew where the boundary was and what they should be doing as they operated their vehicles. Hum… and THAT got me thinking. Lesson one: boundaries • Lesson...

Making Good on a Bad Dream

by Bob Jacobus People have dreams, some good and some bad. Knowing how to deal with a bad dream in the proper fashion will bring rest and peace to one’s soul and spirit. Dreams can come from 3 places: Heaven, Hell or from within. A bad dream, a fearful dream,...

REVEALING God’s Glory – Aug-Sept 2018

Turks Cap Lily One of my great joys is tending my garden. This past week, our daylilies and Asiatic lilies have been at their peak, painting our backyard with every color of the rainbow. That beauty coupled with the sweet aroma is truly a revelation of God’s glory. It brings...

David Wells Feature Artist

Submitted Photo. To say that David Wells is an exceptional musician and artist would be an understatement. His passion for playing flugelhorn and trumpet, being a full-time instrumentalist, and traveling the country performing and speaking, comes from a deep well within him. He has a God-given talent that he chooses...

Worthy, Holy, Risen

  By Bob Jacobus Message delivered at Breath of God Worship, Buckhannon, WV, April 15, 2018.   Worthy, Holy, Risen… These three words form a music-like cord that describes the beauty of the Lord. His Glory. They point towards who He has been, who He is, and who He always...

REVEALING God’s Glory – Jun-Jul 2018

© Alan Tucker, Backroads Photography We welcome Alan Tucker as a new contributor to Glory Magazine where he will be ‘Revealing God’s Glory’ through his God-given talent and passion for photography. A few weeks ago during my evening prayers, I asked God to reveal to me how I could better...

Be Excellent

By Angela Errett Today it seems as though the word excellent has been lost from our vocabulary. It has been diminished, moved to the back of the line, and cheapened to the point of changing to the opposite of its intended meaning or cast as a ‘bad’ thing. What is...

Missouri Solution

Conclusion to Missouri Allegory from the Feb-Mar 2018 edition of Glory Magazine. There was a man in Missouri who had a fancy for mules. His name was Joshua Ell, and he was one fine man. He could read, he could write, he could do anything any man could do. Joshua...

Understanding a Personal Vision

When thinking of a vision, many have the idea that it must be some kind of trance experience. People often have personal visions and do not realize how common they are; it is one of God’s ways of participating in man’s everyday life. Three elements contribute to a reliable interpretation...

A Prophetic Word

Also see: A Bag...A Box...A Bow...and a Solo Revelation won’t come through old mindsets and traditions. It is our responsibility in the Body of Christ to be vessels that continuously increase in the knowledge God has hidden for us, by learning and growing through seeking His Kingdom. New, exciting, and...

A Bag…A Box…A Bow…and a Solo

The following fictional story is a modern day parable so the message may be clearly understood. Any semblance of factual companies is not intended. God is doing a new thing! A-Tone Corporation, a manufacturer of digital products, is preparing for the worldwide release of its newest masterpiece–the Solo smartphone. The...

Missouri Allegory

There was a man in Missouri who had a fancy for mules. His name was Joshua Ell, and he was one fine man. He could read, he Could write, he could do anything any man could do. Joshua also had a special gift, he could be sympathetic with any living...

Learning the Voice of the Shepherd

One could open this article with a dramatic statement such as, In this day and in this hour, it is so essential to know the voice of the Good Shepherd. However, every day and in every hour of our lives, we need to hear His voice clearly. Events in our...

4th and One

During the fall football season there are many 4th down and one-yard situations. The story of a young man attending a Christian School represents a 4th and one of a prophetic nature. The student’s name is Barry and he liked to play football with the “guys” at lunch. Big deal...lots...

The Seed

As a child, one of my favorite stories in the Bible was Adam and Eve. It was comforting to know that God made them, and if He made them, He made me! Over the last six months or so, I have prayed and asked God for revelation knowledge in the...

Longing To Fish

Being one of six siblings–four boys and 2 girls–and the youngest son, Clifford could just tell he was his mother’s favorite. Though his mother loved them all, she seemed to dote on him a little more. She was always holding his hand when they walked, and on Sunday’s he would...

The Gift, a Grant, and Intercession

One of the most fearful passages in the Bible is Hebrews 6:4 through 6:6. It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers...

Feature Artist: Eric Phillippi

The music of Eric Phillippi can best be described as, a worship experience through music artistry. Eric grew up in the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina. His father pastored a small Methodist Mission Church where for 7 years they lived on a Cherokee Indian reservation. It was a place full...

So, Are We Special?

By Angela Errett Ask just about anyone that knows something about Jesus, and they would agree that His grace helps believers to act differently than the world. Being ‘special’ is a gift. A gift that God transferred upon believers through His Son. However, with a perception of ‘being special,’ one...

Declaring the Beauty of the Lord

Born in Devon, England, or ‘glorious Devon’ as the locals know it, Alan Tucker was a quintessential English boy who loved the outdoors, and was a choirboy in the local church. His family, knowing the opportunities available across the pond, decided to move to the United States in 1954 and...

Time For Corporate Repentance

By Bob Jacobus It is quite frustrating to know and understand we are on the verge of a super-significant move of God and not see it. As individuals, those who walk in the kingdom of God have experienced a personal day of salvation of which repentance is a prerequisite. Consider...

Get Ready for Rain

Surely there will come a day when all who know My name will call upon the rain. Whenever you are down, you will be lifted on high. Raise a joyful sound to the Lord and have My name on your tongue for I shall make a way where there was...

The Challenge of Christianity

by Bob Jacobus There are many issues to ponder about Christianity; I believe the primary challenge of Christianity is how to communicate the message of the gospel. How often has the phrase “preach the gospel” been used? Even people who do not participate in any faith will recognize that phrase....

Living In The Glory

Jesus spoke about the kingdom of God repeatedly during his time here on earth. From reviewing the scriptures, anyone can see that the kingdom is of great importance. It is of such great importance that Jesus says to “Seek ye first the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 6:33 KJV) So how...

Two Inheritances

by Bob Jacobus As Christians, we are involved in two spiritual inheritances–both are glorious. Ephesians 1:14 speaks to an inheritance that belongs to the believer, our relationship with Christ Jesus. Later in this chapter, verse 18, Apostle Paul prays that the eyes of our hearts be opened so that we...

Choose Your Adventure

Here is an uplifting thought–right now, this very second, you are closer to your destiny. For a follower of Christ, that means one second closer to glory. Hallelujah! But, here is a sobering thought, are you one second closer to fulfilling God’s purpose in your life? Many will say, I...

Pattycake Christianity – When The Routine Needs Renewed

Remember the Mother Goose rhyme “Pattycake, Pattycake, Baker’s Man?” It is an old English nursery rhyme first found in the play The Campaigners from the 1600s. It then appears in Mother Goose’s Melody in 1765. There are a few versions, but one thing is overtly apparent, it later became a...

Rising Out Of The Ashes

Today, more than ever, there is a growing number of people who are bound in solitary prisons in their minds. They are held captive by vices that have come into their lives either through no fault of their own, by the hand of another, or by some of their choices....

My Grill Is My Pulpit

  At the age of seven, Brian Coleman got saved. After his parents had been divorced, Brian stayed with his mother, but on the weekends he would visit with his grandma. He loved to go to her house, and they would go to church on Sunday’s. One Sunday, as the...

Feature Artist: The Click Family

(l-r) The Click Family is Alexis, Jaden, Linda, Jason, and Anthony Click  By: Click Family Ministry Jason and Linda Click and their three children, who reside at Quiet Dell, West Virginia, just south of Clarksburg, make up the Christian band, The Click Family. They minister in music at churches and...

To Zambia With Love

At Rapid 14, the 14th turn past Victoria Falls in Zambia, there’s a base camp situated on the edge of the gorge along the Zambezi River. It is the International Headquarters for Overland Missions, founded in 1999 by Philip and Sharon Smethurst. For the last eight years, Jacob and Jessi...

Damascus Road – A Journey Overcoming Addiction

We have all heard the stories, about famous people or possibly someone in our own family, of how their problems were not solved at the bottom of a bottle or at the end of a needle. The spirit of addiction, in whatever form it chooses to manifest as in a...

Beyond The Fog

October 6, 2016 | Angela Errett On my way to church one morning, my husband and I were admiring the dense fog that was lying just among the trees, rising gracefully as the sun’s rays were peeking over the mountain. The top of the fog bank was brilliant white, and...

Journey To Chestnut Mountain

In 2005, the lives of the Finn family changed forever. Steve Finn, Executive Director for Chestnut Mountain Ranch in Morgantown, was born in West Virginia and his family has a long history in the state dating back to the 1700s. His father tragically passed away and at the age of...

The Taylor Brothers Oct-Nov Feature Artist

Logan and Lewis Taylor. Lewis and Logan Taylor have been inseparable since their youth. At an early age, both felt a call to serve the Lord, and that desire has only grown over the years. Growing up in Elkview, West Virginia, and attending Elk Valley Christian School, both enjoyed listening...

Happy New Year: Rosh Hashanah. Are You Ready?

Are you ready? We are about to enter into what the Jews call “the Days of Awe.” At sundown on Sunday, October 2, 2016, the celebration of the first of the High Holidays, or Yamim Noraim (literally Days of Awe), will begin with Rosh Hashanah. Rosh Hashanah means “head of...

A Heart For West Virginia

Mud left on the baseball field on Bakers Island, Webster Springs. June 29th, 2016  My heart breaks at the site of utter devastation in the southern part of my beloved state of West Virginia. Tragedy, in a multitude of disguises, has sadly become a way of life in the Mountain...

Awakening In The Mountains

We recently spoke with Pastor Mitch Bias from Regional Church of God in Delbarton to find out more about the West Virginia Revival. The church regularly conducts revivals but this year something would change. In January, after praying about whom to bring in as the speaker for the Spring Revival,...

Glory In The Mountains of WV

There is no coincidence that West Virginia has the most prophetic moniker out of all 50 states, “Almost Heaven.” In recent weeks, West Virginia gained attention from national news proclaiming revival in the mountains. We are seeing an outpouring of God's Glory on the state and the nation. There are...

Prayer Event Fans Flames In Elkins

L-R: Dylan Dilly, Jacob Vandevender. Back row: Daniel Rubianto, Randy Ellis, Youth Pastor at Summit Church; Elkins Mayor, Van Broughton; Levi Dilly, and Dylan and Levi's father Shawn Dilly. On Friday, April 29, 2016, My Heart Ministries hosted an expanded "Prayer at the Pole" event at Wimer Field in Elkins,...

Boldly They Came

On Saturday, April 16, 2016, over 400 women representing 92 churches and 9 states, gathered for the “Come Boldly to the Throne of Grace; A Resurrection Celebration for Women” at the Bridgeport Conference Center in Bridgeport, West Virginia. The ladies began arriving at 8:00 a.m. As volunteers greeted them, they...

My Story of America

Best-selling author, radio host, and inspirational speaker Dr. Michael T. George tells stories of ordinary people’s lives where they experience extraordinary events. These stories laced with heartaches, trials, and obstacles, also reveal hope, success, great love, and life-affirming change through God. Michael grew up in a small town in West...
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