The Living Word, The Spoken Word, and The Written Word
By Bob Jacobus | Language is a fragile complex marvel allowing humans to communicate, and share emotions. Understanding the Living, Spoken, and Written Word
By Bob Jacobus | Language is a fragile complex marvel allowing humans to communicate, and share emotions. Understanding the Living, Spoken, and Written Word
By Bob Jacobus | An uplifting perspective on how to embrace divine presents, uniquely crafted just for you! Be encouraged as you explore the blessings of your song!
by Bob Jacobus | 1+1=1 is a valid spiritual function; go figure. A binary can be a subject or object made of two things or parts. The distinction is in science and mathematics, 1=1=1 is more or less a function, and in the spirit, it is more or less a relationship.
By Bob Jacobus | The narrative behind the statement has application to major socio-political story lines of the 2020s. You cannot stand against Him.
By Bob Jacobus | God often responds to human beliefs and behavior with a question. Ample narratives in both the Old Testament and New Testament support this truth. Today, with all the double talk, blaming the victim, and governmental inconsistencies, God’s most used question is one simple word…“Really?”