REVEALING God’s Glory | Luke, Gabriel, and the Nativity
By Al Tucker | God’s Son had stepped out of heaven and was lying there as a helpless infant. What a birth announcement God orchestrated. Luke and the nativity
By Al Tucker | God’s Son had stepped out of heaven and was lying there as a helpless infant. What a birth announcement God orchestrated. Luke and the nativity
By Al Tucker | The past year has been one of the more challenging years of Liva and my fifty-eight years of marriage. When you are blessed to live as long as we have, you are well aware it is a natural part of life to lose family members and dear friends along the way. However, since August 2022…
by Al Tucker | As I have thought more about redeeming my allotted time, how I do that has taken on a greater sense of urgency. In earlier articles, I have written about my search for God’s purpose in my life and how I feel that revealing His Glory is one of His purposes for me. But I have learned that how we live our lives for Him is just as important as the works.
By Al Tucker | Is living a life of obedience or spiritual integrity easy? In today’s world, we face all sorts of cultural challenges, worries, temptations, hurts, fears, frustrations, etc., all of which bring opportunities to compromise ourselves. Our once cherished freedom and forms of religion are under attack to the worry of many believers.
by Al Tucker | It became clear to me God had an important message for us; specifically, He needs us to become desperately involved in carrying out His will for our lives. We only have to turn on the TV or open a newspaper to know how prevalent evil is. Paul would say evil not only exists, but it is flourishing in our time.