Lazarus House Opens to Offer Real Solutions
The name Lazarus means ‘whom God helps’ and is a form of the Hebrew name Eleazar. There could be no more fitting name for the newly opened recovery house in Buckhannon–the Lazarus House.
On July 1st Doug Spears, Executive Director for 180 Center Inc. and Outreach Pastor, opened the doors to their first facility. Lazarus House is dedicated to helping those who have just come out of addiction and need to learn Christ-centered life skills and personal responsibility that in turn, encourage a successful future.
“The house’s purpose is to see people saved, sober, and successful,” Spears said.
“We’re teaching people–men at this house–how to live. We also have a goal of opening a woman’s facility in 2020. Lazarus House is a transitional living home. We’re taking people from rehab, Teen Challenge, and correctional facilities. This is a safe place they can come to that has structure and is Christ-centered. We’re teaching them how to live.
“If they need a GED we get them into classes. We want to start them on a path of doing things the correct way.
“The community has been fully behind the house. Food, beds–we furnished the house for next to nothing. We’ve seen support from different churches along with financial support.
“The guys love it here. Lazarus is a no tolerance house. Residents are randomly tested for drugs. That keeps people accountable. The guys that are here want to be sober; otherwise, they could be out getting high. They have paid money to be here, it’s not free, although we will work with people. They have some ‘skin-in-the-game.’ That lets me know they are serious. If they don’t have a job, they have to perform community service–at least 30 productive hours a week.”
Participants have to meet minimum detox requirements before they are considered. The program runs from 6 to 14 months, but that is not set in stone.
“It’s not about just staying sober,” Spears added. “They need to also learn how to pay bills and manage their money. A lot of them have never even paid a bill.
“For someone looking for an alternative, I’d say you’ve been doing it your way why don’t you try doing it a different way? Why don’t you try God’s way? I promise people if you try it God’s way it will always work out. It may not come how you think or in your timing, but it always works out for your best interest because God always has your best interest in mind.”
The Lazarus House is the first facility in what is aiming to be a successful program helping people to overcome the effects of addiction and enabling them to lead a saved, sober, and productive life.
For more information and to donate visit:
Phone: 304-439-2096
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: 180CenterInc