REVEALING God’s Glory: Extravagant Love
By Al Tucker | A trip down memory lane to Auntie Beat and Uncle Arthur’s brings the realization of extravagant love. Spiritual growth for 2025
By Al Tucker | A trip down memory lane to Auntie Beat and Uncle Arthur’s brings the realization of extravagant love. Spiritual growth for 2025
By Jason DePoy | The world may not understand the God-kind of love, but those deciding to love that way prefer others, putting their needs ahead of their own.
God instructed His people to recognize the Jubilee every 50 years. During this time there’s no reaping or sowing, but rest their fields and free the bondsman
By Angela Errett | For accurate justice, equality, and love, believers are not to show favoritism, but follow the first great commandment along with the second
By Bob Jacobus | Language is a fragile complex marvel allowing humans to communicate, and share emotions. Understanding the Living, Spoken, and Written Word