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On Saturday, April 16, 2016, over 400 women representing 92 churches and 9 states, gathered for the “Come Boldly to the Throne of Grace; A Resurrection Celebration for Women” at the Bridgeport Conference Center in Bridgeport, West Virginia.

The ladies began arriving at 8:00 a.m. As volunteers greeted them, they reunited with their sisters in Christ either known or just acquainted.

The atmosphere was thick with a hunger for the Word as the praise & worship began. Ladies raised their hands and sang as the sanctified space began filling with voices of praise under worship leader Angie Lafferty from Life Church in Washington, Pennsylvania.

During the welcome by Jill Steele, one of the event coordinators, a Shofar was blown by Sue Faloon to welcome the Lord and shout of God’s victory over the grave.

Speakers for the morning session were author and speaker Nayomi Thomas, of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri, Pat Farrell founder of Faith House in Snowville, Virginia, and Cynthia Fralin, founder of Head Up, Crown On Ministries from Roanoke, Virginia.

After a break for lunch, where the ladies were treated to a boxed lunch on the patio under beautiful blue skies, worship was led by LaWanda Kent from Atlanta, Georgia.

The afternoon speaker was Susan Pettrey, from the Brooklyn Tabernacle in Brooklyn, New York, where she is the director of women’s ministries, as well as, the director of the Brooklyn Tabernacle Drama Company.

The joy, hope, and renewed strength of the Lord in the ladies who attended was obvious, even to a passerby, and as Nayomi stressed in the closing, should be taken to heart and put into everyday use so as to not forget it.

Susan Pettrey with event coordinators Jill, Steele, Karen Staton, Ginny Vincent, and Sharon King.
Speaker Susan Pettrey with event coordinators Jill Steele, Karen Staton, Ginny Vincent, and Sharon King.
Speaker Nayomi Thomas.
Speaker Nayomi Thomas.
Speaker Pat Farrell.
Speaker Pat Farrell.
Speaker Cynthia Fralin.
Speaker Cynthia Fralin.
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