The Living Word, The Spoken Word, and The Written Word
By Bob Jacobus | Language is a fragile complex marvel allowing humans to communicate, and share emotions. Understanding the Living, Spoken, and Written Word
By Bob Jacobus | Language is a fragile complex marvel allowing humans to communicate, and share emotions. Understanding the Living, Spoken, and Written Word
By Jason DePoy | The enemy wants us task-oriented, God wants us people-oriented. God’s primary focus is people, and so should ours. Use every chance to Do Good…
By Al Tucker | No matter what gifts we have been given, we are all called to be encouragers. God’s word is full of encouragement. It is one of the main themes throughout the New Testament and is used over one hundred times. It was also fundamental to Paul’s ministry as he worked to encourage new converts to grow in Christ.
by Angela Errett | Ephesus: A Church Found Wanting | Let’s start a journey on an old Roman road. This road was a major Roman mail route located in ancient Asia Minor–in modern-day Turkey–and part of the eastern regions of the world known as the Orient.
by Angela Errett | All Honor Is His | Those who regularly read this magazine know that each issue is unique. No one confers with the other, solely relying on the Spirit to lead and guide us to what He would have us say.