by Bob Jacobus
As Christians, we are involved in two spiritual inheritances–both are glorious. Ephesians 1:14 speaks to an inheritance that belongs to the believer, our relationship with Christ Jesus. Later in this chapter, verse 18, Apostle Paul prays that the eyes of our hearts be opened so that we can see the second inheritance. This one is significantly different because it belongs to God, it is His inheritance, it has many relationships, it is the Church. The simple truth of these two inheritances is first, our personal relationship with Jesus and the second, our relationship with others in the Church.
Our inheritance in Christ includes every spiritual blessing here and in the heavenly realms. It provides the way for us to be adopted into God’s personal family, grace to overcome and faith to live on. Not only that, the glorious blessings afford wisdom and understanding the eternal knowledge of Christ’s eternal purpose, even to the Gospel of Salvation to those who accept and believe. In this personal relationship with Jesus, we can readily speak to God through prayer. It should be noted that God is a person, a Holy Person, and we need to approach in reverence to the Lord of lords and King of kings. If we are covered by Christ’s blood and walk in the Son’s humility, we have access. The Blood, the Cross, and the Name are part of the believer’s glorious inheritance.
The believers’ inheritance from God is reasonably easy to understand; however, God’s inheritance in the Church is a bit harder to embrace. It is important to comprehend that this inheritance is made up of our relationships with each other as believers. It includes the hope of the resurrection, the rapture of the Church and the fullness of Christ working in and through the corporate body of believers. Jesus is the head of this inheritance, the government of which rests on his shoulders and we as believers function as his body providing vessels of good works, trumpets of evangelism, and participation in ages to come. An individual is limited within the first inheritance of the personal relationship. If Christ is in his fullness, then we experience that fullness if we are completely participating in both inheritances.
It is imperative to understand the Church of the inheritance is not the same as the church of the institution (formalized local bodies, large and small). The Church in God’s Kingdom knows no denominational bounds. A person is a member based on accepting Jesus for who Jesus claimed to be and the sacrifice He made for mankind. Not everybody is willing to receive salvation as a gift, even those who believe…

About the Author: Bob Jacobus grew up on a medium sized farm in southern Indiana and earned a BS in Wildlife Science from Purdue University. After college, he operated the family farm and worked at a large surface coal mine. Bob embraced Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the middle of the large coal fields of Pike & Gibson County, Indiana and soon surrendered farming and coal mining to the Lord. The calling led to Liberty Bible College in Pensacola, Florida where a Master of Theology was earned. West Virginia was the destination after seminary and employment in a group home for at risk teenagers. Eventually, Bob was accepted at West Virginia University for a Master of Science program. A master’s thesis on “Environmental Theology” was approved and accepted from that University. Bob has had many titles, many life experiences, and has walked with the Lord for 36 years. “I lay all accomplishments and victories before Lord Jesus, only that I may be known as a believer and His servant.” Robert J “Bob” Jacobus
We welcome Bob to the Glory family as our new Volunteer Copy Editor and contributor.