REVEALING God’s Glory | Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
By Al Tucker | Being youngest of seven in England prior to World War II, the times dictated family life. Times were tough, but I now know blessings flowed…
By Al Tucker | Being youngest of seven in England prior to World War II, the times dictated family life. Times were tough, but I now know blessings flowed…
By Jason DePoy | So, there I was, clinging to this branch, trying not to look down. I’ve never really liked heights, so needless to say, I was in quite a predicament.
By Angela Errett | There is a song lyric that says the first cut is the deepest. We know the first cut God the Father had to make in the Garden of Eden was deep. So deep that to facilitate it, He had to prune the very creation He loved and fashioned after Himself.
By Angela Errett | If we look at how a tree grows, we can see it expands in two directions at once: roots in the ground and a canopy above the ground. This duality is a tree’s natural state. Think of it also in a spiritual sense: what is seen and what is unseen.
By Bob Jacobus | God often responds to human beliefs and behavior with a question. Ample narratives in both the Old Testament and New Testament support this truth. Today, with all the double talk, blaming the victim, and governmental inconsistencies, God’s most used question is one simple word…“Really?”