Love Your Neighbor
By Angela Errett | For accurate justice, equality, and love, believers are not to show favoritism, but follow the first great commandment along with the second
By Angela Errett | For accurate justice, equality, and love, believers are not to show favoritism, but follow the first great commandment along with the second
By Angela Errett | “You were given authority to rule the land, yet the land is not yours. The land is of the Father, and being of the Father it is IN HIM.
By Bob Jacobus | There were three unseen qualities in the manger that first Christmas morning. The baby was an eternal being, a person with no beginning and no end.
by Angela Errett | Would you know the truth if you heard it? In chapter 18 of the Book of John, Truth is revealed. When we understand that our emotions and what we see in this world can lie to us, then our minds can come to realize, just as the Apostle Paul did, that Jesus Christ carried the Word of God and revealed truth for us to receive it and come into agreement with it.
By Angela Errett | The story of Christ feeding the five thousand with five loaves and two fish, being the only miracle recorded in all four gospels*, should signal all who follow Christ to pay attention to it and live by it.