The Banquet is Prepared–Dance With Me

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God is so loving to those who choose Him! And He extends that love to the entire world.

I so enjoy it when He speaks through songs to me. This time, as I sat to start writing, the song “Dance With Me” by the Orleans began to play in my head. Of course, I looked up the words (even though I knew most of them). He began to download to me His heart for His Bride.

He is speaking to His Bride right now. This is a NOW moment for all those who choose to hear His calling. He wants to partner with us and us with Him. The song is beginning, and He is holding out His hand to receive His Bride. “Come, dance with Me,” He says. The atmosphere is ready to behold the Song of Songs. It is filled with worship for His sake. He chooses the sound of His coming, and that sound is a song of triumph! Will you listen?

The night will come, but not for His Bride. His bride has been preparing for the day of His arrival. He reaches from the threshold to bring Her into the banquet. Her only response is to reach for His hand and receive Him.

“The time of darkness is being summoned by the one who refused My hand, yet I reach My hand to you as I return to our place of first love. We were smitten and knew each other would wait for the moment of reconciliation.

“The delusions of the world pull you from My beckoning, My plea, My billboard of love for all. They steal your attention from My gaze to keep the truth of My love from you. They speak not the truth but lies, twisting truth and bending its nature to their will, not Mine.

“I freely give, freely receive, and you will have everlasting life.”

By design, the hope of the world, chose his bride carefully, from those written in the Lambs book of Life. The will of God being placed in their heart and their will established to perform it before they came.

“Time will move faster, a pace set by My Father, to shield His children from the wrath–a time of refreshing, and a renewal of the vowels we made before time began. My love will lift you higher now, with every step we take together.

“My gaze remains steadfast and true to the one I am betrothed to. I am Love. I am Truth. I will take you to the place of my Fathers rule. Join Me…dance with Me.”

Oh, how precious is the time we spend with the Lord and what little that remains here. Truly, we have never been here before and will never be again. Beulah Land is near. We linger only a short while as the saints in heaven rejoice at our homecoming.

May blessings be upon all those who read this and wait on the Lord. Amen.

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