What’s Going On…

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Being a Christian means more than attending a good service, having a fish emblem on your bumper, and volunteering for everything the church does. I am not trying to single out any one event here, but how confident are we that the matter was taken before the Lord before it’s scheduled, taking up resources and time, or was it because ‘we have always done it’ out of tradition? Have we so compartmentalized God that traditions seem as though He had a hand in them when He was never even consulted? Oops, stepping on some toes here, but the Holy Spirit is tired of the children of God ‘playing church’ and not stepping out, in faith, in the finished works of Christ, and taking ground for the Kingdom! 

Praying in a church is easy, but praying in the world, well, that is the largest group of people Christ wants to walk with today! We need to start spicing it up off-campus! 

Yes, many attend church on Sunday, maybe twice, and Wednesday, and any other time there is an event at their local house of worship, but tell me, when was the last time you did something so radical as praying out loud in a busy restaurant? When was the last time during Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year’s dinner, you lovingly voiced opposition to a discussion that blatantly was against the principles of God in the Bible? Are we losing our salty flavor, or has it been watered down by ‘political correctness?’ Are we bowing to the fear of man? Have we forgotten that when we gather together in a building, we are supposed to be attending to corporately bring praise and worship to God, enter His presence, then be encouraged and taught the Word of God? Ephesians chapter 4 lays out the five-fold ministry: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. They are to listen to the Holy Spirit to hear what HE wants to be done. How? Apostles and prophets are to proclaim God’s revelation and teach new truth to the church from the completed Word of God. (Apostle Paul writes to Timothy about a time to come in 2 Timothy)

We are to worship and praise Him so His presence fills the atmosphere, wherever we are, and He can do as He wills to do! And Saints, if you are not in your church building, that person, who is supposed to be listening and speaking what the Holy Spirit wants to be said, is YOU! 

The Holy Spirit reminded me of something He said to me just a few days ago, He said,

“Man will make a tradition out of a season instead of moving on and rising higher in the knowledge of Me.” 

He said that in such a soft tone to me, but the weight of that statement is almost unbearable! How our Lord waits for His Holy remnant to awaken, to see Him more passionately than ever before. When you seek His Kingdom, He will call you to Him. Our job is to be obedient to His Word. Praise God! 

Feature Image: Bigstock.com

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