This CHRISTmas
By Angela Errett | Another year in the books feels like two years have melded into about six months. The chronicle of time has become but a vapor. Our lives have either been containers for good or …
By Angela Errett | Another year in the books feels like two years have melded into about six months. The chronicle of time has become but a vapor. Our lives have either been containers for good or …
By Angela Errett | And let us run with patience the race that is set before us. See Hebrews 12:1 | Every day, the world gets up with an incredible opportunity to see God’s creation as His perfect harmonious orchestra performing with all its…
By Bob Jacobus | There are three paths of direct spiritual contact available to mankind. Prayers generally emanate from humanity, blessings generally originate from divinity, and communions are interactions between parties. ..
Glory Story | “The heartbeat of Redeeming Grace Outreach Worship Center (RGOWC) is to reach out and renew lives,” Pastor Jason Boggs said, “and fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ; Your glory Lord is our story.”
Let’s start by confirming what many have sensed, the spirit over this nation has changed. We’ve all felt this change… | Hamburg Trials | Nuremberg Code