Happy Easter! From All of Us at Glory Magazine
By Angela Errett | For Christians, Easter Sunday is considered the holiest of Sundays. It is the appointed day to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Paschal lamb who was slain for our transgressions on Good Friday and rose again on the Third Day.
The Land of Nod – Cain and Abel
by Angela Errett | I recently woke from a dream that impacted me deeply. This particular vision was like a vintage silent movie skipping along on an old rickety film reel with scratches dashing across the screen as it played. It reminded me of the Land of Nod. The backdrop was deep brown with black undertones; however, the subject matter could not be mistaken… Story of Cain and Able
REVEALING God’s Glory Apr-May 2021
Why I Celebrate Easter
Why celebrate someone’s death? It seems like an odd question doesn’t it? However, it’s not strange for those of us who believe in God. Believers are by nature to act contrary to what the world says is wise. The Bible tells us that the things of God are as foolishness to the world.