What is a door? Anyone reading this knows that a door is a passageway from one space into another. It is a doorway, a gate, you must go through to get from one room to another or from the “outdoors” into the “indoors.” Everywhere you look, there are doors; front doors, back doors, side doors, attic doors. A door on your car. A door on the bus. A door on every building you pass on the street.
Doors can keep things in and keep things out and essentially go unnoticed. They can keep things safe behind security and locks or be open to allow anyone to pass through. Doors can be tall, like on the front of a government building, or small, like on the front of a dollhouse. Doors can slide, pivot, swing, roll, fit in a wall pocket, collapse, and revolve. They can be made out of materials such as wood, glass, aluminum, fiberglass, or bamboo.
Doors have incredible but limited power. Entries are created by someone for a purpose, and that purpose has the ability to control it. If the objective is to safeguard millions of dollars at the bank, a vault door has the power to do so. It, too, is limited to that power. Vault doors are manufactured exclusively to protect the contents behind them from theft. Many safeguards are implemented, such as multiple keys, timers, and advanced technology. A vault has the power to guard the contents behind it, yet it has no ability to remain open twenty-four hours a day. The power to decide when it opens and shuts is reserved for the bank. Therefore, its purpose has been fulfilled, and the power is shared with its owner.
Doors can block access to a territory. Just ask any teenager! It can block entry or open for communication with the son or daughter on the other side. Yet, the rightful owner, the parent, can open it or close it if they so choose.
Doors also imply possession and occupation, whether temporary or permanent. For example, a closed public bathroom door reveals that it is “possessed” or “occupied” by someone. Also, consider an office door. If closed, we know that the person behind the door is occupying that space or has shut it for privacy. It can also mean that person has left and closed the door for protection against theft, just like a vault door.
Doors must be operated either by human force or mechanical operation. In other words, an action must take place for it to open or shut, either by walking up to the sensor or opening it by hand. They will dutifully stay in place until an action occurs.
Have you ever driven by a house and thought, “That’s a really nice door?” A door can enhance a home through its design and beauty or reveal to the seer that something is wrong inside. If an entry is half-off its hinges, dangling in the wind, a passerby can see repairs are needed even without knowing the circumstance. It could be a myriad of reasons why; however, the first impression would lead to a rational conclusion that the house is out of order.
A door can make a statement about its owner. Someone who is fanciful may have a colorful mural painted on their door, while a bank has a glass door to see who is entering on the closed-circuit camera. Still yet, a person who lives in a historic district may be limited to approved colors and designs for theirs. Some plans may be mandated by where the door is located, while others have free rein to hang whatever door they like.
Doors can block interference and distractions. Imagine a reporter under a deadline for their feature story. A busy newsroom may not be ideal for working on the finishing touches. However, moving into a side office and closing the door can be the solution to the chaos.
A door takes a lot of work. Let’s take a look at the process. Land must be acquired, a builder must be hired, and the placement must be mapped out and designated. The type of construction and design must be established by the landowner and implemented. Measurements must be taken. Supplies must be purchased. Someone must manufacture the door and then hang it once all other items have been completed. Once the door is in place, the purpose of the door is established.
A door can be used to remove someone’s freedom or to protect someone else. A door on a prison cell places the offender behind it under lock and key not only to remove them from the general population but to protect those outside its doors.
Secret doors, or “false doors,” can be used nefariously to hide their true purpose or keep a secret (good or bad) from others. A majority of secret doors are hidden behind bookcases, mirrors, or a secret panel on the wall. These doors can be for hidden passageways, secret tunnels, or secret rooms. These doors are purposely designed to fool anyone who enters the room. The owner of the house is responsible for informing others of its existence.
God Is The Master Door Builder
There are many kinds of doors and ways to go through them. The world says there are many ways to Heaven, such as being a good person, following strict adherence to a code, or through some other knowledge or religion. However, Jesus says this:
“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also…Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
John 14:1-2; 6 KJV
There is only one door to come into the House of God, The Door, Jesus Christ. Still, others in the world do not believe there is any other place to go to after we die. This mindset relies solely on empirical data, what they can physically see with their natural eyes. Having no experiment to prove the existence of a spiritual kingdom, they choose to discount the supernatural.
Doors on earth have only physical abilities. The powers and limitations of spiritual doors are controlled by the spirit, or spirits, entrusted to them. For example, opening the door to the spirit of anger allows anger to pass through the doorway and rest upon the one who allowed it to be opened. Pick any emotion, and you will find that a spirit has been given authority and the only way to overcome it is to usher it back out. The same goes for the spirits of depression, obsession, addiction, and fear. Once these evil spirits are in possession of the space, the mind of a person, they must be removed. We must be taught how to overcome this spiritual battle with spiritual weapons in our sinful state.
“(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)”
2 Corinthians 10:4 KJV
God is the rightful owner of all that exists. However, God gave man dominion over the world. What we do determines how the world operates. In a kingdom system, what the king says becomes law instantly. It cannot be taken back, negotiated, overturned by votes, or removed from the record. Whatever is said stands as law as soon as the breath passes over the tongue of the king. If the world is in chaos, it directly reflects what man has done. If it’s to get better, we need to learn how to be better stewards by renewing our minds with the Truth.
Doors require action. Something has to move from one place to another. Have you ever gone to a grocery store to get food and just stood at the door? Did you stand there praying, declaring to the bread, milk, and meat inside the building to come and get into your car so you can take it to your house and enjoy it? Why do many believe they can stand at the door, sometimes ignoring Him, sometimes looking inside, but never moving past a “form of godliness,” just staring at the door? Many don’t step over the threshold into a place where the Holy Spirit can feed souls and renew minds warring with the spirits that try to possess us. Jesus declares this in Revelation 3:20 (KJV),
“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”
Revelation 3:20 KJV
He will come. He will encircle the disorders of this life and equip us as we step over the threshold where sin lies under our feet.
Heaven’s Door, the Beautiful Gate, stands firm, unflinching, resting in its designated space, waiting for the actions of men, predestined from the beginning, to cross over into the supernatural power of God through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit searches the House, the Mind of God, feeding His people, renewing their minds in the Truth. The Truth of who God is, who Jesus Christ is, and who they are in Him. Only the Truth can be found in Him because there is no sin in Him. AMEN.
Feature Image: Bigstock.com