Return Unto Me: Getting to the Heart of the Matter

by Angela Errett | I believe that when God sent you to earth for His purpose, He gave you a piece of His heart. Think of it this way, when someone leaves for a long journey to serve in an army, we will say, “They took a piece of my heart with them.” Same thing! What would happen if your son, daughter, or spouse didn’t want to talk to you while serving? They never call, never write, and you are never a thought that crosses their mind. Or do they only call you on your birthday, a holiday…

REVEALING God’s Glory | Sharing the Walk with God

by Alan Tucker | In the summer of 1998, I finally realized one of my dreams: I got to play at the famous Pebble Beach Golf Links in California. If you have followed my past testimonies, you know that golf was my life at one time. It consumed me. A friend even wrote a song about me once called “Addicted to Golf.” Sadly, the experience of playing Pebble Beach was underwhelming as the golf course was under major repair..

Faux Pas Mercy

by Bob Jacobus | A faux pas is a misstep, often a blunder or tactless act. Untimely, unthoughtful remarks or expression of opinions, gaffes if you will, are also considered faux pas. There are outcomes or consequences to these bloopers, often more severe than the offence. In the Kingdom of Heaven, an unintentional sin and errors in faith, no matter how innocent, are missteps and most definitely faux pas. Aren’t you glad that God has great mercy for faux pas?

The Perfect Center

by Bob Jacobus | In these modern times, humanity is measured on a linear scale, which functions much like the weight and balance beam. The turning point is the exact, perfect center. To one side is the left and to the other side is the right. No one stands at the perfect center. If you believe in God, then God stands there, except deity is not measured on a human scale. What is the fulcrum, the perfect standard of humanity? With today’s rhetoric and yesterday’s behavior, there can be no doubt that people are either left or right on the balance beam of eternity.

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