Sign Of Great Fear | Warning Dream
By Angela Errett | Many years ago, I had an incredibly vivid dream. This dream has become clearer over the past few years and public events have played an important role in the warning it contains…
By Angela Errett | Many years ago, I had an incredibly vivid dream. This dream has become clearer over the past few years and public events have played an important role in the warning it contains…
by Bob Jacobus | In 1867 a story was published in a collection called Aesop’s Fables.
Aesop didn’t suffer from woke expectations; he just told simple stories to teach important truths like “The Shepherd Boy and The Wolf.” This particular story has many applications in today’s world. Another wolf parable with implicit cautions would be “Little Red Riding Hood.” And the Bible also uses the wolf as a literary instrument to express truth and warning. It is not the purpose of this essay to offend; however, it travels through the valley of the shadow of post-modern correctness…
In “The Anger of Cain,” we explored how the emotion wroth came into the presence of Cain and possessed him. Today, we can understand on a minute scale what that amount of rage looked like…